Night Deposit

Our Night Deposit service allows your business to deliver deposits to the bank even when your business schedule does not allow you to visit a banking location during regular business hours. Prepared deposits can simply be dropped off after hours and will be processed by our staff when the bank reopens. Receive deposit receipts by mail or return to the banking location at your convenience to pick up your receipts and lock bag (if applicable).

  • Bank on your schedule. Night deposit service is available at all locations, 24/7
  • Keep your deposits secure. Rather than leaving large deposits at your place of business and waiting for the bank to reopen, secure your deposits by dropping them in the bank’s secure night depository. Additionally, deposits placed in the night depository are securely locked in a time-lock vault and further secured by dual control procedures when being retrieved.
  • Save time!  No more waiting for tellers to process your deposit while you wait. Deposits are processed at the start of business the day after your deposit is placed in the night depository. Quickly pickup your receipts and deposit bag from your banking location at your convenience.
  • It’s Free! There is no charge for using the night depository.
  • Special Deposit Lock Bags can be purchased for $30.00/each. While not required, a lock bag allows you to secure your deposit at your place of business. Only the bank or yourself have keys to unlock the bag. Recommended if planning to make large cash deposits and/or if using a courier or employee who should not have access to the contents of your deposit when delivering to the bank.